SASE: Trade worth 73,081 KM
Today’s trading on the Sarajevo Stock Exchange was 73,081 KM. On the OTC market, trade…
Today’s trading on the Sarajevo Stock Exchange was 73,081 KM. On the OTC market, trade…
According to the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CBBH) data, 24 commercial banks provided…
The Energy Community Secretariat has announced that it is officially opening a dispute settlement procedure…
Unis Ginex Gorazde, one of the largest domestic companies in the field of defense industry,…
Dairy Padjeni from Bileca plans to sell its products on 20 markets by the end…
100 workers will get a job at the Fortuna City shopping mall which will open…
Today’s trade on the Banja Luka Stock Exchange was 346,192 KM in 73 concluded transactions,…
The shares of Unioninvestplastika Sarajevo were traded today on the Sarajevo Stock Exchange in the…
Bimal Brcko confirmed today the information on taking over the famous Serbian sunflower oil producer…
Company Sejari announced a full takeover of Centrotrans-Eurolines. Sejari is currently the minority but the…